Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fashionista sista.

Looking Fabulous is a requirement. Look good, feel good.
Fashion is important. Styles define us. Express us. 
Looking fabulous is a great way of feeling confident.

It can be a tricky area tho. 
Mass produced brand names slathered in logos and ads, produced by child slaves, or poverty conditions while the companies profit, bad environmental practices producing the fabrics, over pricing. crappy design, lack of quality.

But there is a Green solution. 

Buy Second Hand.

Rummage second hand stores. The advantages are huge. 
Uniqueness, price, a whole lot more environmentally friendly, socially conscious and locally supportive of charity/ business. 
And its Stupendously Fun.

I find awesome clothing at incredible cheap prices, often classic labels.
for example, a st. Lawrence store on Chapel st, Melb, had a sale on, all jeans $3, and inside had a dollar rack. You cant go wrong. I found a brand new pair of jeans with a broken zipper. To get a zipper replaced cost $10. the jeans had a tag attached from the store they were donated from, and the original cost was $125. I saved $114.

Sizing is usually not a big issue, they do tend to have a huge range of clothing.
Always try on before buying. sometimes clothing is prestreched etc.

Do remember to Always thoroughly check clothing etc before purchase. most places wont refund, and sometimes shadowing is present, so get a look in decent lighting.

Ask if you can see anything out the back - it doesnt hurt to ask, and you'll get first dibs.

Oh, and don't forget to wash before wearing, or you'll smell like the store, and ALWAYS treat shoes and leather items for bacteria etc - even if they look new.

Off your Ass, on your Feet.

One simple little change in your life can do a lot of good in all areas.

The problem is, its often the simplest of  habits that are hardest to change.

Sometimes bad habits are so ingrained, we don't realise that bad habits are all they are. We fool ourselves into believing that's the best/fastest/easiest/only way.

One of the worst habits we have is jumping in the car, even for very short trips.
we over use cars massively in and around the cities. Especially here in Australia, Particularly 4WD's (which are ridiculous in cities. if you don't go off road, get a smarter choice of car. Your making a statement, otherwise: I'm a Twat.)

We shouldn't have cars in the cities here at all. 
The cities are so small and well covered with public transport, you can get anywhere without a car. 
In fact, you'll often get there faster.

Here's a few Pros to NOT driving when you can walk or P.T* or bike it there and back.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (*P.T = public transport)

Health. Walking = Good for you.  You loose weight, get fitter, lower cholesterol, and all sorts of benefits.We all know this one. Very easy way to get extra exercise is to simply skip the car and walk to the shops or bus stop.

Environmental. your saving emissions and fuels etc every time you DON'T use your car. this is again a good thing.

Financial. Its cheaper to P.T to and from work, shops schools etc than to pay parking, petrol and running/associated costs of cars. P.T is still fairly cheap, especially if you purchase bulk tickets. And of course, Walking is FREE. ah, my favorite word. Free.

Here's a few habits to shake. You may not realise you do it, but chances are you do.

Short trips of a few blocks, ie; to the local shops only three blocks down the road, friends and relatives within walking distance, or on P.T routs.

Driving the kids to school nearby. You should walk or P.T  if only to socialise with your kids for a few extra minutes, and your teaching the kids good habits for the future. We see surprising little of our children these days.

Daily to work in the city. unless your car is a part of your work, what's even the point of bringing it to park it, at a cost, all day? It maketh no sense. Catch the train, or bike it.

So, next time you go to jump in car and drive, ask yourself, do I NEED to? unless the weather's bad, or its too far to walk it etc, simply don't drive.

Smarter Choices

To change the World, we need to change Ourselves.

It's not as hard as you think to live a balanced, green, low impact healthy and equitable lifestyle.
You dont have to be a hippie,you just have to be aware of the consuming your doing.

  • Watch what, how, and where you buy.

  • Dont be lazy. it takes vigilince and habit. Sometimes a few more minutes of your time and concentration.

  • Dissmiss Advertising. Dont ever believe it. Look into a product/service yourself. Pay attention, always.

  • Educate yourself. Ignorance is the enemy. Knowlege is power.

I hope to pass some tips for Cheaper,Greener, Smater Living, without loosing ANY quality of lifestyle, infact, you may find it improves your life a lot. 

It did mine, thats how I know it works.

I hope you enjoy and take something away with you on how to live a smarter choice life.


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